1.安装了:vim ,,,一款Linux爱好者经常用到的ide
sudo apt-get install vim
root@wuheng-virtual-machine:/var/www/html# ls
a.txt demo1 index.html phpmyadmin wh.tar.gzroot@wuheng-virtual-machine:/var/www/html# vi a.txt #####使用vim编辑器打开a.txt文件,,,vim a.txt亦可。E325: ATTENTIONFound a swap file by the name ".a.txt.swp" owned by: root dated: Sun Mar 13 19:41:51 2016 file name: /var/www/html/a.txt modified: YES user name: root host name: wuheng-virtual-machine process ID: 3529 (still running)While opening file "a.txt" dated: Sun Mar 13 20:04:42 2016 NEWER than swap file!(1) Another program may be editing the same file. If this is the case, be careful not to end up with two different instances of the same file when making changes. Quit, or continue with caution.(2) An edit session for this file crashed. If this is the case, use ":recover" or "vim -r a.txt" to recover the changes (see ":help recovery"). If you did this already, delete the swap file ".a.txt.swp" to avoid this message.Swap file ".a.txt.swp" already exists![O]pen Read-Only, (E)dit anyway, (R)ecover, (Q)uit, (A)bort: #####选择你要对该文件的访问方式
~ ~ ~ :q!
:wq 保存并退出
ZZ 保存并退出
:q! 强制退出并忽略所有更改
:e! 放弃所有修改,并打开原来文件。
正常模式(按Esc或Ctrl+[进入) 左下角显示文件名或为空插入模式(按i键进入) 左下角显示--INSERT--可视模式(不知道如何进入) 左下角显示--VISUAL--
i 在当前位置生前插入
I 在当前行首插入
a 在当前位置后插入
A 在当前行尾插入
o 在当前行之后插入一行
O 在当前行之前插入一行